Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Good afternoon world! Last week's internship was pretty amazing. Remember my mentioning how we now have some 1916 light switches? With some help, we were able to start researching on the company that created them. It was the George Cutter Co. That caused me some trouble when researching because on the switches it just says Cutter Company. After figuring out that hiccup though we were able to find out some amazing things about the creator of the Cutter Company - George Cutter. He worked for the company that produced the FIRST Alexander Graham Bell telephone. He also was sent to Russia as a representative of the Alexander Graham Bell's telephone company. He did some other fun things before creating the George Cutter Company in 1905, which 11 years later would create the light switches. I'm also almost done with the cleaning and inventory of the 1902 classroom. After that I will learn how to accession all the necessary artifacts. The only hiccup in that is finding out what is considered an artifact and what is considered a prop. Since this is an educational museum full of children, most objects that might otherwise be put into archives and preserved are left out for children to see and touch and learn about the past from. It is something we are torn about. Having children learn and learn to love history through our museum is great. But when you see a 70 year old book left out in the open when you feel it should be preserved and left just for historians in gloves to touch...

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