Thursday, April 17, 2014

Last Week!

Well, it is the last week of my internship. I didn't write a blog last week because there was nothing really to talk about! I have finished my projects for the semester, and all I have left is getting my hours in. I have a presentation tomorrow on all I have done this semester, and I think I will be all right with it. Well, that's about all. It's been a great semester, and I met some wonderful people. I am hoping that I will be able to keep volunteering with the Public History Center, depending on my schedule this summer. This has been a great experience and really helped me cement my desire to work in a museum, and how interesting and fun I find working in archives. That's All Folks!

Friday, April 4, 2014

Two Weeks Left

Well, like I said before, we are nearing the end. On Friday the 18th we will have our showcase with all the other interns to show what we have done this semester. I am pretty much done with the work that has been assigned to me, but I still need enough hours that I will be coming in the next two Tuesdays for a few hours, along with Thursday and Friday to get some extra hours in. Everybody here has been so nice and welcoming, I'll be sad when I leave. Hopefully I will have time over the summer to just drop by and volunteer a little bit.